Touching The Identum
2009 - 2012 | Perspex, ink and resin | 17 x 25 x 5 cm
From early childhood I have studied the stars. I spend a lot of time pondering the nature of the universe and trying to touch on one revelation that transforms our understanding. I believe that gravity is not the force binding the Milky Way together. It certainly plays a part.
It started as a journey to understand the way of things; to understand the unexplained interaction between everything. Like all physicists, I dream of a Unified Theory. The single binding explanation holding all of the universe together. The creator’s own formula transcribed in the atheist notation of mathematics. I worked my way through gravity, magnetism, strong force, weak force – eventually ending up gazing at the heavens in a desperate attempt to touch on something… anything. I looked up for a sign from the physical. To me, space represented the purest place to hunt for the unknown – where the laws of physics could be applied en-masse without the intervention of complex external forces like society. A place where each dot in my eyes could be an entire galaxy. I searched the heavens hoping for an anomaly as much as I was hoping for a pattern.
My findings/beliefs show that stars of similar Identums may resonate rather powerfully with one another.
This is the sculpture of that journey and belief system.