Dad, I Can’t See You Properly

Acrylic, resin, powder and steel | 100 x 45 x 30 cm

I invite you, as the child of a parent, to engage with a deeply personal and profoundly introspective piece of my work: a nude sculpture of my father. This is a study of how I perceive him emotionally and spiritually, rooted in the basic scientific principles of how our brains function. Inspired by the TED Talk from Jill Bolte Taylor.

My inspiration comes from understanding the human brain's hemispheric functions. The left hemisphere, methodical and analytical, breaks down the present into meticulous details, organizing these into structured memories and planning for the future. It's our logical, detail-oriented aspect.

Contrastingly, the right hemisphere lives in the present moment. It doesn't concern itself with past or future but thinks in pictures and learns through bodily movement. It's the part of us that feels connected to the world and each other through energy and consciousness.

This sculpture is a dialogue between these two cerebral worlds. It represents how I see my father - not just as a physical and genetically-connected being but as a complex blend of emotions, memories, and spiritual connections. This artwork challenges us to reflect on our perceptions, of both ourselves and others, through this cerebral duality.