uFunk: The latest creations by Jonty Hurwitz
A few years ago, we were talking about the anamorphic sculptures of Jonty Hurwitz. I propose you to discover the latest creations of this South African artist, whose strange and stretched shapes reveal their secrets when observed with a cylindrical mirror. An impressive work that mixes 3D modeling of anamorphosis, resin molds, bronze sculptures and paint! We also talked about the creations of Jonty Hurwitz with Micron Sculptures and The Fragile Giant, the smallest human sculptures ever made.
Constantly balancing between science and art, Jonty Hurwitz comes back with his mind-bending anamorphic sculptures.
Colossal: Wild New Anamorphic Sculptures From the Warped Mind of Jonty Hurwitz
London artist Jonty Hurwitz (previously) revels in the skewed and twisted world of anamorphic artwork, where the meaning of a dramatically warped figures is only revealed when reflected against a viewing device, in this case a cylindrical mirror. While Leonardo da Vinci is credited for creating the first known definitive example of anamorphosis in the 15th century, Hurwitz pieces are infused with modern technology, relying on digital renderings which are painstakingly transformed into physical objects cast from bronze, copper, or plaster. In more recent pieces he’s even begun to apply oil painting as a final touch.
Inspirations Graphiques: Les sculptures anamorphiques de l’artiste Jonty Hurwitz
Jonty Hurwitz est un artiste sud-africain au parcours professionnel très atypique. Sa formation d’ingénieur obtenue à l’université de Johannesburg ne le prédestinait pas devenir un artiste, et pourtant. En s’appuyant sur son passé scientifique et sa connaissance des algorithmes, il parvient à créer d’époustouflantes illusions d’optique, en partant de sculptures totalement abstraites qui jouent autant sur l’anamorphose que sur jeu de réflexion d’un miroir.
Booooooom: Trippy Anamorphic Sculptures by Artist Jonty Hurwitz
London-based artist Jonty Hurwitz transforms warped digital renderings into incredible anamorphic sculptures made out of bronze, copper, plaster and paint. “Anamorphosis” relates to purposeful distortions that depend on an additional device or precise vantage point to reconstruct the image. In Hurwitz’s case, cylindrical mirrors reveal each sculptures true form. See more below!
USA Art News
Some sculptors long and hard to turn lifeless blocks of stone in the delights of fine art, others, however, prefer to work with a malleable and soft clay, which in a matter of hours allows to realize a flight of fancy wizard. But there is such as Jonty Hurwitz who produces billions of computer calculations, before to proceed with the materialization his ideas.
Mr. Hurwitz was born in 1969 in Johannesburg. Today he lives and works in London.
He calls himself a Renaissance artist and constantly complains technology has taken away from humanity’s sense of beauty, replacing his all-consuming sense of superiority, flavored with greatness, selfishness and permissiveness, which are called illusory and limiting modern people as individuals. However, he recognizes that technology is a necessity – the essence of progress, without which we would have returned to the stone age.
Fine Print NYC: The Anamorphic Sculptures of Jonty Hurwitz
Johannesburg artist/engineer Jonty Hurwitz fuses science and art in this series of mind bending sculptures. We've covered anamorphic art before, but what makes this approach so unique is that rather than force the user to one particular vantage point, Hurwitz uses complex algorithms and computer software to generate distorted 3D models, which are then fashioned from copper and placed around a cylindrical stainless steel tube.