News Site Jonty Hurwitz News Site Jonty Hurwitz

New York Times: A Place to Stay, Surrounded by Works of Art

CLAUDE MONET and James McNeil Whistler made art at the Savoy, a luxury hotel in central London. Monet painted Thames views at the turn of the 20th century, Whistler earlier drew the hotel’s renovations and pigeons.

The works include the painting of the diamond jubilee flotilla, which Mr. Downes made last year in the hotel’s Thames Foyer after viewing the flotilla from its roof. The painting, which is more than nine feet long, is displayed in the lobby. Jonty Hurwitz, a sculptor, recently made an anamorphic sculpture of a cat for a new restaurant; both commemorate a 1927 Art Deco sculpture of a black cat that the hotel still trots out when a dinner party has an unlucky 13 guests.


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Jonty Hurwitz Jonty Hurwitz

Fishki: Эти абстрактные скульптуры становятся понятны только в зеркальном отражении

Джонти Гурвиц создает абстрактные скульптуры, которые в отражении зеркального цилиндра становятся лысыми кошечками, лягушками или частями тела. Художник из Лондона является последователем традиции анаморфного искусства, в котором искаженная сперва форма считывается при необходимом условии, будь то отражение или определенный ракурс. 

Источник: ©

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News Site Jonty Hurwitz News Site Jonty Hurwitz


Jonty Hurwitz n’est pas un artiste comme les autres. Contrairement à ses confrères, il a effectivement choisi de concentrer ses efforts sur des nanosculptures ne mesurant que quelques dizaines de microns. Des statues tellement petites que l’artiste a besoin d’un microscope à balayage électronique pour les photographies. Stupéfiant.

Le mieux, c’est encore de raisonner en termes d’échelle pour se faire une idée de la taille de ces statues. La matière utilisée dans leur confection correspond en effet à la quantité d’ongles qui poussent sur nos doigts pendant cinq heures.

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Jonty Hurwitz Jonty Hurwitz

Trippy Anamorphic Sculptures by Artist Jonty Hurwitz

London-based artist Jonty Hurwitz transforms warped digital renderings into incredible anamorphic sculptures made out of bronze, copper, plaster and paint. “Anamorphosis” relates to purposeful distortions that depend on an additional device or precise vantage point to reconstruct the image. In Hurwitz’s case, cylindrical mirrors reveal each sculptures true form. See more below!


April 2017

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Jonty Hurwitz Jonty Hurwitz

Kazoart: 5 best contemporary sculptors

Cette semaine, KAZoART met en lumière 5 sculpteurs contemporains incontournables ! Chacun à sa façon traduit un univers et porte une réflexion sur l’espace à investir. Plus encore, des initiatives originales naissent dans la sculpture contemporaine et démontrent ainsi que cet art ne dépend plus des conventions académiques mais s’évertue et s’élève vers de nouvelles pratiques.

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Jonty Hurwitz Jonty Hurwitz

Pursuitist: Perspectives on Forms Shaping

Finding that line between art and science is the underlying motivator in my art life.” These words belong to London-based sculptor Jonty Hurwitz, who used 3D scanning and the power of π to create stunning anamorphic sculptures that can be seen in cylindrical reflections.Complexity, study and trying stood at the base of these incredible modern sculptures, while perspective and curiosity shaped something out of the ordinary.

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Jonty Hurwitz Jonty Hurwitz

Vice Magazine: Does Having a World Record Make You an Artist? We Asked Guinness World Records

Yet for two-time Guinness World Record holder Jonty Hurwitz, who boasts both the "smallest sculpture of human form" and the "smallest animal sculpture," the Guinness World Records franchise was an afterthought to his artistic practice. “They’re trying to amaze and awe people, but I suppose to some extent, they look for an element of marketing value to sell their books,” says Hurwitz. “I think they contacted me because it was a world record and it would amaze people, plus it’s good photos.”

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Jonty Hurwitz Jonty Hurwitz Micro-Optics and the World of Nano 3D Printing

Less tangible applications include the creation of nearly invisible sculptures, something that artist Jonty Hurwitz did with Nanoscribe’s platform. Unfortunately for Hurwitz, however, these sculptures are only visible under a microscope, and a breath of air caused them to be blown away, where they became lost among the dust particles of the surrounding room. 

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Jonty Hurwitz Jonty Hurwitz

Hipertextual: El muñeco de nieve más pequeño del mundo es pura ciencia

La nanolitografía es una técnica ahora bien conocida por los expertos, que la usan principalmente en cuestiones de microelectrónica, para plantar patrones a escala nanométrica o micrométrica. Gracias a estas técnicas hemos podido desarrollar cosas como los nanotransistores, o el ordenador más pequeño del mundo. Pero además de sus aplicaciones prácticas, la nanolitografía, tiene también otro lado distinto. Más artístico. Hay quien entiende la belleza de hacer algo tan pequeño que no se puede ver a simple vista, aunque mereciera la pena contemplarlo. Y es que el muñeco de nieve más pequeño del mundo no es la única microestructura. El artista El artista Jonty Hurwitz es ya famoso por sus nano esculturas. Pequeñas piezas que caben, literalmente, en el ojo de una aguja, por ejemplo.

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