The Memory
2023| Coloured Stainless Steel | 64 x 275 x 250 cm
Each dove tells a silent story of love, loss, and memories that linger. The mother, though encircled by these ethereal birds, embodies a love that is eternal, a sorrow that quietly endures. Here, the artwork becomes a shared space of remembering, of honoring those we have lost and the parts of them that remain with us always.
In "The Memory," you'll see what might first appear as a beautiful chaos of shapes and shadows. But take a step, find the right angle, and a powerful image comes to life: a mother, surrounded by gentle doves, each representing a child no longer in her arms but forever in her heart.
"The Memory" isn’t just a piece of art; it's a gentle whisper of shared experiences, inviting each of us to reflect on our own stories of love, loss, and the memories that bind us together. As you view, may you find a moment of peace, a touch of understanding, and a shared connection through the universal journey of memory and love.