Cupid and Psyche
Second Kiss
2014 | Resin and Gold | approx. 0.01 cm x 0.009 cm x 0.01 cm
In this embrace, we tell the mythical story of love lost, a journey, great challenges and a finally a moment of joining. This is a sculpture of Jonty and Yifat in a loving embrace.
On the head of an Ant
To try and give a sense of scale, we combined two images shot in a scanning electron microscope. The face of an ant and the sculpture.
Compared to a single human sperm
A human sperm is astonishingly small, measuring just about 5 micrometers in width and around 10 to 50 micrometers in length. Here you can get a sense of this sculpture in comparison to a single sperm.
Inspired by “Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss”, by the master Antonio Canova at the Louvre in Paris
The Story of Trust. How this sculpture was destroyed!
It all happened while we were trying to film it
The Art and Science of Love.
TED talk on The World’s Smallest Human Form.