A way of understanding global warming

A tribute to the work of Greta Thunberg

75 x 75 x 14 cm | Aluminium, Cotton & ink | 2020 | Edition of 33

“Instead of worrying about how that future might turn out, I’m going to try to change that future while I still can,” Greta Thunberg told NBC News in Feb 2019.

Thunberg is the driving force behind a movement that has seen more than 2 million teens around the world take part in strikes against climate change. She has become the symbol of action for a future free of global warming, the flag-bearer for our children. This artwork gives tribute to Greta’s mission by exploring the complexity of global warming in a visual medium. The anamorphic nature of the work points to the deep complexities and interdependencies that manifest in the rising of global temperatures.


The complex way in which Mother Earth functions is impossible to fully know.  How can we truly understand the impact of each action we take on the planet.  How are our actions affecting the world?

Greta Thunberg, has been a shining light and helping humanity understand that we need to take action now.  Each and every one of us has a personal responsibility.

The sculpture uses the language of anamorphosis to express the subtle complexity of global warming and how each of us has a level of impact we cannot comprehend.