Mother’s Hand
In the permanent collection of the Science Centre Singapore
2017 | Resin, Fibreglass & Stainless Steel
My Mother was the study for this sculpture. As we spent quiet hours together in the studio, I took great care to appreciate the true depth and meaning of the hands I saw before me. I imagined them holding me as a child. The hands that reared my spirit, the hands that carried all that I am.
"A Mother's hand is the fuel that enables normal people
to achieve the IMPOSSIBLE"
This sculpture represents un-measured aspects of a Mother, the complex decisions that her hands make. The combination of millions of small maternal gestures that together add up in the most beautiful complex outcome … you. What better way to express this than with the mystical and irrational number π?
The mystery of Pi
π is one of the great mysteries of mathematics. It is to math what a quantum particles is to physics - one of the fundamental building blocks. π in its essence is the heart of all that is circular in the universe. If you look closely at this sculpture you may understand the nature of π just a little bit better. Try and understand how this abstract constant interacts with the world around you. Explore, stand closer, go further….see how π interacts with you and your environment.